



The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) is the international benchmark for corporate responsibility and sustainable development reporting for organizations, including Agora.

Below is a table with indicators and reference to the page where the relevant indicator is located. More about GRI Standards:




  • transparent reporting of non-financial data
Category GRI Description Link
GRI 102 102-1

Name of the organization

GRI 102 102-2

Activities, brands, products, and services

GRI 102 102-3

Location of headquarters

GRI 102 102-4

Location of operations

GRI 102 102-5

Ownership and legal form

GRI 102 102-6

Markets served

GRI 102 102-7

Scale of the organization

GRI 102 102-8

Information on employees and other workers

GRI 102 102-9

Supply chain

GRI 102 102-10

Significant changes to the organization and its supply chain

GRI 102 102-11

Precautionary Principle or approach

GRI 102 102-12

External initiatives

GRI 102 102-13

Membership of associations

Category GRI Description Link
GRI 102 102-18

Governance structure

Category GRI Description Link
GRI 102 102-40

List of stakeholder groups

GRI 102 102-41

Collective bargaining agreements

GRI 102 102-42

Identifying and selecting stakeholders

GRI 102 102-43

Approach to stakeholder engagement

GRI 102 102-44

Key topics and concerns raised

Category GRI Description Link
GRI 102 102-45

Entities included in the consolidated financial statements

GRI 102 102-46

Defining report content and topic Boundaries

GRI 102 102-47

List of material topics

GRI 102 102-48

Restatements of information

Not applicable

GRI 102 102-49

Changes in reporting

GRI 102 102-50

Reporting period

GRI 102 102-51

Date of most recent report

GRI 102 102-52

Reporting cycle

GRI 102 102-53

Contact point for questions regarding the report

GRI 102 102-54

Claims of reporting in accordance with the GRI Standards

GRI 102 102-55

Index GRI

GRI 102 102-56

External assurance

Category GRI Description Link
GRI 103 103-1

Explanation of the material topic and its Boundary

All relevant topics are chapters in the report

GRI 103 103-2

The management approach and its components

The approach to managing individual areas of responsibility is presented in the chapters of the report on these areas

GRI 103 103-3

Evaluation of the management approach

The evaluation of the approach to managing individual areas of responsibility is presented in the chapters of the report on these areas

Category GRI Description Link
GRI 202 202-1

Ratios of standard entry level wage by gender compared to local minimum wage

GRI 202 202-2

Proportion of senior management hired from the local community

Category GRI Description Link
GRI 301 301-1

Materials used by weight or volume

GRI 302 302-1

Energy consumption within the organization

GRI 302 302-4

Reduction of energy consumption

GRI 303 303-3

Water withdrawal

GRI 303 303-4

Water discharge

GRI 303 303-5

Water consumption

GRI 305 305-5

Reduction of GHG emissions

GRI 306 306-1

Waste generation and significant waste-related impacts

GRI 306 306-2

Management of significant waste-related impacts

GRI 306 306-3

Waste generated

GRI 306 306-4

Waste diverted from disposal

GRI 307 307-1

Non-compliance with environmental laws and regulations

Category GRI Description Link
GRI 402 402-1

Minimum notice periods regarding operational changes

Doas not apply officially. The organization endeavors to provide such information as early as possible.

Category GRI Description Link
GRI 413 413-1

Operations with local community engagement, impact assessments, and development programs
