The creation of Agora was connected to an important mission, i.e. the pursuit of the truth, desire to explain the world and fight for equality and human rights. That is why, from the very beginning of existence of our organisation, we are continually involved in building a civic society, we support institutions guarding the freedom of the media and democracy, we voice important social problems and we initiate activities for the benefit of the environment. Transparency, openness and dialogue, building stable relationships with the environment and promoting diversity in the society and the workplace have always been our guiding principles.
For over 30 years, our aims and values have not changed; what has changed is the scale of our operations. Today, we are a strong, media and entertainment group, and we want to act responsibly and take part in the creation of a sustainable world. That is why CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) is naturally inscribed in the projects and services of the Agora Group and our partnerships. We have been consistently developing our CSR strategy for years under the slogan “Responsible Everyday” („Codziennie odpowiedzialni”), defining responsibility as sustainable development, impact on the environment and creation of value for the society.
In all our decisions and actions, we remember the important impact we have on the business, social and environmental environment, therefore we rely on the assumptions of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals.

More information about our approach to sustainable development, the implementation of the 2030 Agenda so far and the actions we want to take in 2021 on the way to achieving our strategic goals, in this chapter, in the section We consistently implement the UN Sustainable Goals.
In 2017-2019, we implemented the strategy entitled “Responsible Everyday. Strategic Approach to Responsibility” („Codziennie odpowiedzialni. Strategiczne podejście do odpowiedzialności”), in which we indicated the main directions adopted by Agora in the scope of corporate social responsibility and sustainable development. We have based our responsible approach to management on development based on responsibility, building stable relationship with the environment and appreciating diversity in the society and in the workplace.
CSR Strategy of the Agora Group for 2017-2019

This approach resulted in a number of specific actions taken by the Agora brands and media – from educational projects, through charity, pro-environmental and communication campaigns to management activities. The examples of completed activities are available on the following website:
In 2020, due to the economic and social consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic, the progressing climate changes and the fight for freedom of speech and human rights in Poland, the CSR strategy of the Agora Group was dominated by social and environmental activities. That is why, in 2020 we changed our slogan “Responsible Everyday” („Codziennie odpowiedzialni”) to “Responsible Everyday – Care for the society and the environment” („Codziennie odpowiedzialni—w trosce o społeczeństwo i środowisko”), thus announcing the continuation of this direction in 2021-2022.
As a result, the Agora's CSR Strategy for 2021-2022 was created, in which the leading principle is care for the society and the environment, and in which we concentrate even more on the implementation of UN Sustainable Development Goals concerning, above all, employee health and development, gender equality and social inequalities or actions towards climate neutrality.
This strategy concentrates on the areas resulting directly from the ESG factors (Environmental, Social, Governance), i.e. those related to the actions for natural environment, social impact and relationships with the market environment, as well as the quality of management, with particular emphasis on ethics and human rights. Our activities are carried out in each of these areas, and the goals set for implementation are described in more detail in specific chapters of this Report.
In Agora, we have been developing activities to protect the natural environment for many years – these are both our internal activities to save energy, reduce the consumption of raw materials, segregate waste and change everyday habits to more pro-environmental ones, as well as making investments in the buildings we administer. Our approach to managing environmental issues was described in the “Environmental Policy of Agora S.A.”, which is an internal document applicable to all employees and collaborators of our company.
In the coming years, we will keep implementing its key assumptions and implementing new solutions to achieve strategic goals, such as:
- conducting activities aimed at climate neutrality, in accordance with the assumptions of the European Green Deal and of the Paris Agreement;
- implementing practices in the scope of sustainable production and consumption, as well as counteracting waste production;
- developing projects related to ecology and environmental protection in the media of the Agora Group.
More information on the current environmental activities of Agora are available in part Concern for the enviroment. The activities planned to be completed in 2021 are described in this chapter, section Our plans for 2021.
Among the crucial elements which contribute to Agora’s development are its social activities. Companies, brands and media of the Agora Group have been implementing a number of social, cultural and educational initiatives and campaigns for years; they are also engaged in charity events.
Social activities taken by us are regulated by the “Agora Group's Policy on social and sponsorship activities” adopted by the company's Management Board in 2016 after taking into account the expectations of the stakeholders. The objectives set out in the document refer to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (Agenda 2030) and meet the ISO 26000 social responsibility standard.
Due to the continuing, or even growing, social problems related to, inter alia, respect for the rights of women and socially excluded persons, freedom of speech and observance of the principles of democracy, we plan to continue our current activities and we will actively respond to emerging social issues. Thus, we will implement our strategic goals, such as:
- equaling opportunities and supporting groups at risk of exclusion;
- defending freedom of speech and independence of the media;
- actively participating in social life and supporting important social initiatives;
- developing projects and initiatives promoting the participation and the role of women in modern society.
More information on Agora's social activities to date is available in part Social involvement. The activities planned to be completed in 2021 are described in this chapter, section Our plans for 2021.
Ethics has always accompanied us in our everyday work and we follow it in internal relations. Observance of human rights, such as: dignity, freedom, equality, solidarity is natural and indisputable for us, that is why we fully support the assumptions of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, and we implement them by systematically setting appropriate standards of conduct and introducing appropriate internal regulations.
The guiding document of the company regulating this area is the “Agora Code of Ethics” in which we included a description of the ethics system in Agora and of the values and principles which we favour every day. This document is being supplemented by additional internal provisions, regulating such areas as: employment conditions, counteracting discrimination and mobbing, preventing corruption. We detail them in part Our Responsibility Towards Employees of this Report.
In the coming years, we will continue to concentrate on maintaining high ethical standards and creating a compliance system in Agora, and on respect for human rights. Our strategic goals in this area concentrate on:
- initiating and implementing the practices on the scope of business ethics;
- continuing to regulate the issues concerning employment and remuneration issues;
- promoting the compliance system and wider communication of our standards;
- engaging in global and local partnerships for the implementation of UN Sustainable Development Goals.